Pancho and Spirituality

Does the energy that Pancho emits create in people a spiritual experience? Does it connect them with something Divine or with their innermost self? Does it cause activation or a memory to come through? Many people who meet Pancho speak about connecting to him spiritually. Some talk about an activation they receive mentally or emotionally. Others express how Pancho has caused them to remember past lives, heard messages about missions they must accomplish or things they get to let go of.

Like human beings, animals, plants and other rocks and minerals, Pancho has consciousness. This consciousness is found within the crystal. The energy he gives out and the information that he stores are important components of this consciousness. So why was Pancho and the other crystal skulls carved in the shape of a skull? It is because the skull is the vessel that contains consciousness, wisdom, knowledge and thought.

The crystal that Pancho is carved from is from the Earth. It is a mineral. Crystal is found all over the world and has been used by many civilizations for different things including healing. Each kind of crystal puts out its own unique energy. Sometimes this energy is very subtle but other times it can be very strong. When this energy resonates with the human mind or body it can create healing. All crystals are known for their healing powers but Pancho is very special because of the intention that was downloaded into him by those that created him and the intention of his present day guardian, Mario. Scientists cannot accurately measure the energy that comes from crystals and that is the reason Pancho’s healing powers are mainly explained metaphysically.

The ancient memory or information of where Pancho comes from can penetrate a person deep into his DNA and cellular level. Our molecular, chemical and crystalline structure can be changed. It’s similar to the experience of looking at a beautiful painting, a sunrise at the Grand Canyon or at the majestic ocean. When we are in his presence he reminds us of our Mother Earth and the connection we have with her. We can experience the memory of our ancestors looking up at the sky and trying to decipher the codes of the moon, the stars, the planets, the galaxies, and other realms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. When we hold him he also reminds us of the fact that we are connected with each other and that like those that came before us knew, LOVE is what binds everything together. Through meditation and contemplation, Pancho also brings to us the  recognition of our own extraordinary power: PERSONALLY and GLOBALLY. When we access this information and apply it in our lives we can be transformed. People who connect with Pancho and this very deep level can probably attribute it to a past life memory. They were chosen to find the connection with Pancho again. It is a calling that exists subconsciously until it is manifested into reality.

When this individual transformation occurs and it can cause a person to stop using drugs, or  begin living GREEN, or treat his co-workers with honor or begin praying for WORLD PEACE then the whole world can be transformed.

Is this the message that Pancho holds for us? Is it pertinent for the Next Generation as we are going through a universal consciousness shift? Could it even be part of the communication that is going to be revealed when the 13 Crystal Skulls all come together? Emphatically, Pancho says, "YES, IT IS!"